Daily Archive: July 27, 2016

How To Gamble for Charity

Playing CardsHonestly, I’m a bit shocked that we haven’t written this article yet. I mean, our entire site is based around the premise on gambling for peace and charity, and yet we still haven’t written the most basic and essential of all blog posts – the guide on how exactly you’re supposed to go about doing this. After all, “gambling for charity” is much easier said than done. How is one altruistic, yet gambling-inclined individual supposed to indulge in his or her beloved activity while helping out a cause? Honestly, it’s a lot simpler than you might think… If you’re lucky. Now, there’s two ways you can go about this – officially sanctioned charity events and individually taken endeavors. Because they’re so different from each other we’re going to be looking at each of them on their own.

Officially Sanctioned Events

These are all events that have been officially organized by a charity organization – bingo nights, casino nights, betting, etc; all in support of one cause or another. Usually, the way they work is that some kind of large benefactor (usually a corporation or a millionaire) is going to offer to sponsor the event. You can bet your own money on the games, with the implication that if you lose, you’ll be donating your amount to the charity organization, but if you win, the sponsor will pay out your winnings and you can keep on playing, with your final winnings being also donated. The question here isn’t on whether or not you’re going to donate – you will, no matter what you do you’ll be leaving the “casino” with less money than you entered, but it’s not about that. The point is to milk that sponsor for as much as possible so that you can ultimately donate the highest possible amount to the cause. The better you do at the casino, the more money you’ll be able to donate, and ultimately the better you’ll feel about yourself.

Now, the good thing about these officially sanctioned events is that they’re often legal in places where gambling is generally not legal. As you know, in the US, traditional gambling is legal in less states than there are fingers on my hand, but who wants to say no to charity, right? That’s the beauty of it – no one can outlaw gambling for charity without looking like a dick, which is why the majority of states actually allow it. So if you live in a country where gambling is typically illegal, gambling for charity may very well be your only hope. Unfortunately, since there’s a LOT of work that goes into them, that also means they’re shockingly rare, happening maybe once or twice a year in big cities at the very most. So if you want to enjoy them relatively frequently you may need to travel a lot.

Individually Taken Endeavors

There’s really not a whole lot to say about this method – basically, it means that you go to a casino (online or physical) of your choice, play for a while, and then donate your winnings to charity, all of your own accord. This is obviously not applicable for any countries where gambling is illegal, but on the other hand, you can do it on pretty much any day of the year. However, you also run a very slippery slope of falling in the trap of gambling addiction. After all, it’s very easy to justify frequent gambling when you claim that it’s for a good cause. “Oh, well, I lost everything, but that doesn’t matter, tomorrow I’ll try again because those orphans in Africa are counting on me!” You must be very careful not to fall into that trap. Manage your resources, and never spend more than you can afford! Not a lot of people really gamble for charity of their own accord, so your intentions are commendable – just be careful not to fall victim to them.